The new buzz word for 2023.

AI got introduced to the mainstream media when ChatGPT came out. People in the field of AI have been working on it for years before its release and fine tuning its applications in multiple fields from image generation to writing content and even code.

Alot of AI is actually ML (Machine Learning). By the name, a machine that learns and is optimized to complete the objective given in the most efficient way possible.

Below I’ve listed links which teach you how to start in ML or make projects using ML. These links are beginner friendly. So if you’re familiar with coding in one field, it’ll be easier to grasp.


Build an AI Avatar generator

Build an AI writing assistant

Build ChatGPT from scratch

Intro to Large Language Models

Side note - Tanmay Bhat and Varun Mayya have started this amazing podcast where they catch up about what’s new in AI and show new tools are being used. It’s called Overpowered.