This is a question which has been bugging me for months now. It's probably why growth marketers are in demand today. What I'm going to propose on this page are just ideas that I've come up with after observing what companies are doing with social media influencers.

I was binging Silicon Valley and there was a scene where it suddenly hit me that you can actually sell anything as long as you either have an audience or act on an emotion. If you have both, you're extra dangerous.

Let's try and understand some of the basic questions first.

Why build an audience

This is not a question for me to answer. It's yours.

If you want to be an influencer, you need an audience to influence.

If you want to be an entertainer, you need an audience to entertain.

If you want to scale a company, you need users for the company to scale.

If you want to have a blog, you need readers for it to become famous.

You got the point by now. Ask and understand your specific 'Why' in the first place. It's like Yin and Yang. Can't have without the other.

Why is it hard

This is fairly an easy question to answer. For the last two decades, you will be surprised by how technology has advanced.

Remember when people used to have those BlackBerry phones? Do you know how suddenly we went from those keyboard phones to touchscreens?