Hey! Welcome to the code section. It’s good to see you’re curious about Computer Science as a field to study. I’m going to assume that anyone who is watching this is someone who has ZERO EXPERIENCE in CS, and that’s how I’ll order the resources so that you have a proper structure to go through.

I do hope this helps you to some level because I’ve personally banged my head over the wall even after constantly watching numerous YouTube videos on how to get into computer science and get good at it.

There’s a few principles I’ll write down here so that the feeling of being intimidated can be fought and won over. Come back to these in moments of doubt or frustration.


1. Take your time (especially with the basics)

2. Start, then learn (credits to @shl on twitter)

3. Build, commit, build, commit, build, commit.

The point isn’t to ‘Learn to build a start up.’ or ‘Learn to only get a job’, it’s simply ‘Learn to build.’ The rest will follow.

Note: Don’t fall into tutorial hell or binging videos. Write actual code and commit. There’s infinite resources to learn code from. My advice is stick to one or two max and follow through.


Introduction to Computer Science (CS50 Lectures)

Web Programming (CS50 Lectures)

Understanding Technology (CS50 Lectures)

Algorithms (Abdul Bari)


Github OSSU (Complete CS Education)

Odin Project (Web Development)

Roadmap.sh (Development roadmaps)

Actual helpful Youtubers:

Dorian Develops

Code with Harry

Coder Coder



